One Week Later…

Berlin is a neat city. I have never been a huge fan of cities because they are lacking in elbow-room and fresh air, but…

Berlin is spread out enough that it seems that you can usually find relatively quiet spots if needed. Berlin is also cleaner than other cities I’ve experienced. The people, at least in my experience, are either in a hurry or somewhat grouchy (and our identity as Americans has never seemed to help that). This said, my interactions with Germans have been few, and I look forward to changing that impression through future interactions. One thing I did not expect was the boldness and confidence with which the bus drivers command their vehicles. It seems that our daily commute to TU Berlin is always filled with brief moments of excitement through near misses with trees, bikers, walkers, cars of all sizes, and other buses. But despite the energy and newness Germany has, there are still things that I miss about home: my family and girlfriend taking the top spot. After those comes fishing, wilderness, cold drinks, free (ice) water at restaurants, and understanding people when they yell at you. There are somethings, however, that Germany has that I wish the U.S. did such as an efficient, wide scale public transportation system and an eighteen-year-old drinking age. Overall, Germany has been interesting and I look forward to the rest of our time here.

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