Every time I take time to remember the events of the holocaust I am very sobered and reminded of the quote that roughly says, “one death is tragedy but a thousand deaths is only a number.” It is impossible to grasp the utter atrocity of millions of innocents being held against their will forced to work and murdered by the hand of fellow human beings. Pain comes so quickly and potently when I hear of one death that strikes unexpectedly, but when trying to experience this pain multiplied by millions when I am removed from the victims by time and space, I feel I do not nearly do their memory justice. Taking this time to think on the vast amount of pain WWII caused helps me process and give the respect I should to so many lives lost and grieved. Going to the concentration camp at Sachsenhausen was very powerful in the fact that I could put flashes of images of the prisoners onto the grounds and various rooms and almost hear the guards yelling orders. The experience was much more real and I felt like I scratched the surface of what fellow human beings had to endure. The camp as well as the holocaust memorial was full of stories of those who lost loved ones or their own lives; everyone sparked sadness one question: How? How could this possibly have happened if there was anyone decent in the world? It also gave me resolve to say that this must never happen again so I must support causes of peace, oppose war and violence, and remind people of this history no matter how painful so that it does not repeat.