Wrapping Up an Amazing Trip

The weeks that I spent in Germany were such a wonderful experience. I not only learned about engineering, but I also learned about the German culture. On weekdays we spent a majority of our time in class and doing homework, but on weekends, we were able to travel to many different cities and learn more about Berlin. Throughout my time in Germany, I had so much fun becoming better friends with my peers and exploring new areas of the world.

I’ll be honest and say that we did spend quite a bit of time doing homework for our classes, but that was expected. However, the traveling we did on our three day weekends made up for that. Some of my favorite cities we visited were Heidelberg, Bremen, and Lubeck. In Heidelberg, we toured the charming old city and the Heidelberg Castle. This town was not bombed during the war, so almost all the buildings were still in their original condition. I also really enjoyed visiting Bremen and Lubeck, each city had its own special features and were extremely interesting to tour around.

Some of the other highlights of the trip were the group dinners at classic German restaurants, our visit to the Berlin Technology museum, touring the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, Berliner Dome, and walking around the Olympic Stadium and stumbling across the World Cup of Archery Competition. These are just a few examples of the many, many fascinating things and places we visited throughout our weeks in Germany. I took probably more than enough pictures to capture all of the fun moments and memories, but hopefully I can look back at them after many years and remember all the wonderful things I experienced during the Summer Program in Germany!

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