Reflections on Köln

Attending mass at the Kölner Dom was one of the most interesting things I’ve experienced on our outings. The cathedral itself is just magnificent. It is so large that it is nearly impossible to take it all in. Despite its enormous size, the builders still took care to cover every surface with ornate carvings. Stepping inside and attending the service gives you a glimpse of what an ordinary church goer would have experienced 500 years ago. The high vaulted ceilings do a wonderful job of making you feel small, and looking beyond the alter, the light streaming in from the stained-glass windows seems like heaven could just be on the other side. During the service, the smoke from the incense and the organ music enhance this mystical feeling. The service was entirely in German and I could only pick out a few words and phrases, but this is also like what might have been experienced back in the day, as the service would have been all in Latin. Despite this, I was still able to discern the main theme of the sermon, which was to offer what we have to God even if it doesn’t seem like much, just like the boy with the bread and fish that Jesus used to feed the five thousand. Overall, I think that it was a very unique experience that I’m glad I got to do.

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