Neuschwanstein Castle

Today we visited the neuschwanstein castle which is located in Bavaria, Germany. The famous Disney castle was based off of this castle.  As we departed from the bus, we were hit with a fresh breeze of frigid air. Snow was falling ever so slightly and covered the ground around us. Above us stood the castle. A magnificent sight that protruded from the snowy trees around it.

The hike up took about 20 minutes with every step leaving a footprint in the snow behind. In order to pass the time and keep our bloody flowing, we decided to start a snowball fight. From this point on, the ascension now became filled with paranoia as we never knew when a snowball was going to come flying into our bodies. After about twenty minutes of laughter, adrenaline, and snow in the face, we finally made it to the castle.

The inside of the castle was magnificent. From the intricate carvings of wood to the numerous paintings scattered throughout, everything came together to create a masterpiece. My favorite part of the castle was the garden, filled with lights and plants and rushing water, where King Ludwig would spend his time in solitude. As awesome as the castle was however, I do not think I could live in such a gigantic place away from the daily bustle of life.

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