So…Now What?

“So you went to Germany for six weeks?”

Yep. We did. We experienced German culture at its finest over the past six weeks. We visited multiple cities in, and even around, Germany. We tried our best to converse with locals in German. We even took two classes in the middle of all that. But I’m willing to bet that every single one of us would want to do it all over again.

These past six weeks have been a huge blessing for me. I met so many people I might not have met outside this trip, and I experienced a culture different from the American way of life. It opened my eyes to the similarities and differences people around the world share with each other. It also introduced me to the wonders of German cuisine. Seriously. If there’s one thing I’m going to miss the most from this trip it’s going to be the food here. It’s delicious.

This trip also showed me much more of the wonders of God’s creation. The group that I traveled with during our last week here always found a hill to climb up so we could get a better look at what the city looked like in its entirety. Let me tell you, every hike was worth the climb. The stunning views we got each time never disappointed, and they reminded me of God’s majesty and beauty every time.

I want to thank the Professor Derooy, Professor Plaisier, and Professor Nielsen for teaching us more about statics and dynamics and guiding us through our first few weeks in Germany. I also want to thank my fellow classmates for being such a great group to be a part of. This whole program has been an experience I will never forget.

So…now what?

Now that I’m back in the U.S., I await the official start of my sophomore year, but I have come back with a fresh outlook on life and new friends to live my life with. And also a few chocolate bars.

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