Initial Reflections on Germany

Berlin is the first city I have been to where I am responsible for traveling and living while not being able to speak the language comfortably. I am in a constant state of discomfort when I realize that I could only understand a tenth of what people say and only if they speak slowly enough. Although I knew I was coming without fully learning German, I didn’t expect to be this uncomfortable.

Although the food in Berlin is diverse and very tasty, I miss food from home. More than food from my home country, I miss home cooked meals that either I or another member of my family would make. Speaking of which, I also miss cooking.

I have experience living in a few cities and the public transportation that comes with them. Berlin is one of the better cities with the public transportation. The city is quite small compared to mega-cities. And so the public transportation lines are simple and they get to everywhere you want. There are also signs explaining the route and schedule for each line so it is easy to find where you are going as well. I hope more cities can take lessons from Berlin’s public transportation. I am in the strong belief that a good sign of a modern, developed city is simple and reliable public transportation.


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