What’s It Like?

This first picture is probably the most interesting thing I’ve seen on this trip. 

Yes, it is a statue of a thumb. We walked past this masterpiece during our stop in Koblenz. It is taller than a full grown man and has precise detail down to the swirls of the fingerprint. I have no idea why it is there or what purpose it serves, but it is something unique that you won’t see every day.

This second picture was taken during the FIFA World Cup Final. In downtown Berlin an entire road leading up to a main square was packed with people watching the game. There were 5 huge TV screens showing the game, with street vendors lining both sides of the road. Unfortunately we couldn’t stay the entire game, however it was still an awesome experience. It’s not every day you get to watch the FIFA World Cup Final in the heart of Berlin.

This last picture is of a Lamborghini Aventador, taken in the Volkswagen museum in Berlin. The museum was good, and this car was awesome to look at, but the best part was that a woman working at the museum recruited a couple of us to test drive a new electric Volkswagen Golf. So just like that I was driving a brand new car through the biggest city of a country I had never been in before. No accidents occurred, and now I can add another thing to my list of things I’ll probably never do again in my life.


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