Kailee Q4

Worshipping in the Köln Cathedral was a lot different than my home church. I liked that there were many different groups of people who came to worship in such a beautiful place. The service was very organized and well-ran — every moment had a purpose. I usually go to a small, non-denominational church in the heart of the suburbs of Grand Rapids, so the size of the church was quite different from anything I am used to. The incense surprised me a little, as well. However, I could tell – even through the language barrier – that the people running the service were very passionate about what they were doing. It was a good experience overall, as I got to see something entirely different than what I’m used to. I loved the look of the inside of the church, and I spent much of the sermon listening and gazing at the artwork. It’s interesting that so many people want a chance to see the inside of the church. Upon walking in, we had to move through groups of tourists taking pictures behind the entrance gate. There were many people sitting behind those gates during the service, recording and taking pictures. I was a little confused as to why people would just want to take pictures during the service, rather than just participating. All in all, I feel blessed that I had the experience of worshipping in the Köln Cathedral.

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