Connor – Q4

The Köln Cathedral high mass was definitely an experience that I’ve never had before at church. Throughout the service, I was never really sure what was happening which was probably mainly because it was all in German but the service didn’t have the normal order I was used to. It was interesting to see how everything works and try to figure out what was happening. I liked how beautiful the church was from the inside and it was interesting to think about how people could build something so massive and intricate way back in the day. Im not sure if I can pick out a part of the service that I like most because it all kind of felt the same but over all it was and experience that I won’t forget. I was surprised by how many people were around the cathedral during the day. It felt weird to walk out from the service and have a bunch of people watching you and waiting to go in but I knew that we were about to do the same so that made it less weird.

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