Connor – Q3

In the past few weeks we have visited both the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp and a holocaust museum, both of which were very eye opening. When walking through the holocaust museum and reading all the stories I learned alot that I didn’t know before. In my head the holocaust was a long time ago but seeing that there are lots of survivors still alive made me realize that it was really not that long ago. I found it very interesting to listen to survivors stories and to read what the camps were like. As I walked into Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp I could feel the weight that the place held. I was surprised by the amount of thought and planning that went into the layout of the camp. Everything had been thought through to ensure that nobody got out and that the purpose of the camp was achieved. It made me wonder if the people that designed the camp were proud of what they did. While listening to the info of the camp and walking around it sunk in how bad the conditions were. I learned about the concentration camps in school but it was completely different to be in one and see everything. Between the holocaust museum and Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp I learned a ton about the holocaust and the events that took place in that time. I could see that Germany was ashamed of their past but not trying to hide and more learn from it.

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