Kailee Q5

Welcome to our typical Inter-City Express train ride! This was taken on August 11th, on our way back from Lübeck. Me and my four roommates (pictured at the far table) grabbed a group of 4 seats, and I ended up joining some of the Hope group across from them. We had a fun train ride laughing, talking, and getting to know each other better.

This photo was taken when nearly the entire Calvin group took a bus from Lübeck to the nearest beach on the Baltic Sea. It was a 45 minute train ride that ended with food from a little fair on the beach, then taking the cold plunge into the sea. All of this was accomplished in the three hours we had between arrival and our boat tour.

Remember the church we went to the first week? That’s the Berliner Dom, viewed from a rooftop terrace in the heart of Berlin. Our groups were on our last German class excursion, and this was a great way to end it!

Around St. Michaels Heim, there are a number trails around lakes and rivers within walking distance. This is from a walk I took with Judy and Elyse, where we saw a row of swans crossing the lake. We saw slugs and ducks on our walk as well, and we circled our way around the entire lake. We like taking walks as ways to de-stress and talk after long days.

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