One Hundred Sixty Eight Hours Later

This first week in Germany has been an unforgettable experience in and of itself. In just this week I feel as though I have been exposed to so much, yet I know this is just the beginning.

One of my absolute favorite things about Berlin has been the food. One thing I knew about Germany was that it fits my taste perfectly: lots of meat, bread, and most importantly Nutella. With a brötchen and Nutella for breakfast, currywurst for lunch, and a döner for dinner, I am feeling pretty good when I lay down at night.

Another thing that I have been exposed to is public transit. I have driven myself places for as long as I have been able to drive. However, I have had to adapt to riding a bus or train wherever I go. After just a week, I feel like I am pretty used to it (even though I have practically never used it before).

One complaint I do have is that there is no air conditioning. Not only that, but they are adamant that still air is the best air. This will be my greatest struggle.

The fact that my adventure has just started excites me beyond belief for what is to come. I eagerly await the rest of this adventure.

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