How was Germany?

Well obviously Germany was a pretty great experience. I got to learn a lot about a different culture, and study engineering at the same time, which was pretty fun. I miss a few things about being home. Mostly the variety of food. They mostly eat pork potatoes and bread, but we made do.

It was an interesting environment to take a class in. We took an engineering statics and dynamic ms class while I. Germany, and we covered a lot of things that will be incredibly helpful to my future as an engineer, and we got to do these things all with a professor nearby to answere questions. Even though I had more homework than normal it was like an interim classes and I still enjoyed it a lot.

Also I’ve seen enough medieval buildings castles and churches to last a life time. Almost everything  over here feels like its old. We visited so many cool cathedrals and churches that I lost track of them all. Also I’ve eaten enough pastries to last me the next few years. There have been so many breakfasts and lunches where we just went over to a local bakery. Overall it was an amazing trip that I would recommend to any engineer.

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