Cultural differences

We have been in Europe for a week and a half now and I have noticed a few different changes.

  1. First, lunch does not seem to be a big deal in Europe. When we visit towns for lunch it always seems like a struggle to find a place where you can eat. A lot of places seem to be closed during the lunch hour which is frustrating and difficult to deal with. Also, they don’t have as many “fast food sit down restaurants” such as chipotle, chic-fil-a, five guys, and so forth.
  2. Second, the Germans do something at 4pm every day called “coffee and cake”. During this time they take a work break and go to a locks coffee shop for some coffee and some baked goods. (Starbucks are few and far between). Others go home and relax for the time. This afternoon break is nice since it breaks up the regular routine of the day for the companies employees.
  3. Third, the portions for food servings are much smaller in Europe than in America. Granted, Americans typically over indulge and get more food than they can handle. However Europeans seem to take too little food and their servings at restaurants are very small compared to the American counterparts.

I have noticed many cultural differences in Europe, from the speed of regular life slowing way down, to the difference styles of work. But the food differences have made an impact on me because I eat a lot.


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