Sunday Morning Church

This morning we traveled to Dresden for a worship service at Church of our Lady. This church was destroyed during WWll and eventually rebuilt in the 1990’s. It was very cool to see how a city that was in rubble after bombing in the world war has been completely rebuilt. 

The church was Protestant and the service was completely in German. Other than a couple words, I didn’t understand most of the service but I still liked trying to sing the songs in German. But to be honest this usually ended with me humming along with the people next to me. On the bright side, this church was heated unlike most of the cathedrals and churches we have been to. I found it very distracting to be freezing cold in church, so I enjoyed the warmth today. 

Another odd thing I noticed during the service was how many people were coming and going. Typically in the USA, I don’t see anybody leave church during the service unless it is a quick trip to the bathroom. But in this church there were around 20 people that left before the service was over. 

Church services are a great way to experience a places culture. It was cool to be a part of the people and take communion with them. In instances like that you become a pilgrim more than a tourist.

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