Initial Reflections on Germany

This first week in Germany has been super exciting! We have stayed very busy. I always love traveling to other countries and this trip is extra unique because we are staying for over a month. Here are some initial reactions of mine:

The other day, a couple other students and I had the chance to drive an electric car through Berlin(I definitely did not think I would end up driving in Germany). This was a very surprising and fun event. One thing that I did not expect is that Germans are very strict against ‘turning right on red’, while many of us are very used to doing this in America. Turning right on red can get a someone a very large fine, and after a second account you can have your driver’s license suspended. I thought that was pretty interesting and different from the USA.

One thing I have noticed that I really miss from home, is free water. I already knew that German restaurants make you buy water, but it slightly annoys me because I usually drink a lot when I eat. Having lots of available water is useful.

Finally, one thing I like about Germany, is how there are very little fast food restaurants as opposed to America. This is where I wish the USA would become more like Germany. There are a lot of really great cafes and bakeries that are very easy to stop and get a quick snack or drink, however there is really nothing like these in the USA.

Although we have been very busy, it had been amazing so far. There are some great excursions planned for this weekend. Again, please pray for our general health and safety, as well as that we may grow and learn from this unique experience.

One thought on “Initial Reflections on Germany”

  1. Wow! Thanks for the update Brennan. Interesting insights into the culture. I love the no fast food concept.

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