Finishing Strong: Devotions

Today I led a devotional tailored around the idea of finishing strong. Our trip is slowly coming to a close, and often times I find that on the final few days of trips, my brain tends to start focusing on the responsibilities I have waiting for me at home. I encouraged the group to finish the trip strong and stay focused on learning and enjoying the culture while we still can. For most of us, this will be our last time in Europe for a while, so we need to take advantage of every opportunity we have to enjoy it.

Finishing strong is a common theme in the Bible and something we must do to “run the race with endurance”. We must learn to pace ourselves when problems arise or when our brains wander. John 16:33 says, “In this world you will have tribulation, but take heart! I have overcome the world.” This is a gentle reminder that we follow the One who is able to do above all that we could do or ask.

We also have a great example in Paul who finishes his life as strong as one could. He writes to Timothy encouraging him, “Keep your head in all situations, endure hardships, and do the work of ministry.” Paul writes this to Timothy while he is in prison! Instead of laying down in his cell to die and giving up, Paul finishes strong and provides a strong example that still echoes in the lives of Christians. Paul demonstrates what it means to thrive in the middle of a problem.

It is important to question..where are you? How do you plan to live your next days, weeks, months to ensure you finish strong? When tempted to give up, remember Paul’s strength in the face of adversity.

I hope you all run the race with endurance and keep the faith. Finish strong in whatever you do!

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