Mercedes-Benz in Bremen with Max!!!

The tour at Mercedes-Benz was super cool to get to see the customer service area, the body shop, and the logistics area for the cars in the manufacturing plant. Our tour guide Max was great to explain and show us a little bit of everything in the manufacturing process. 

At the customer area, we watched a six minute video about how Mercedes-Benz car is more safe, industrial, and well constructed compared to their other competitors. The video discussed that they use a large amount of steal for each car. There is thousands of welding points throughout the manufacturing process, which was crazy to think about. The end of the video explained how Mercedes is ready for the future in innovation and technology. The Mercedes hybrid car was an example that will be produced more in the future. 

One of my favorite parts of the tour was the body shop. It was so cool to see how the beginning process of building a car works. It was interesting to learn that the body shop has 95% of robotics with 5% workers. I thought more workers would be involved in the beginning process of making a car since it is important to begin making the car correctly. 

I was impressed with the company by how many checkpoints and safety checks they would do in the manufacturing plant. Their workers would check if the car is built correctly, and then fix it immediately if there was a problem. Max showed us where the workers would check if the bolts were drilled in correctly. There was a green light if the car was good to move along the line. 

Overall, I really enjoyed the Mercedes-Benz manufacturing plant. I thought it was a great experience to see how a car is created from the beginning to the end. After this tour, I am second guessing to get a Mercedes car in the future when I am able to afford it. 

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