Boolin in Germany be like…

Here are three pictures from our German travel that capture cool moments! 

Picture 1: Turkish Market

During my first week in Berlin, I went to the Turkish Market where I got to experience food, culture, and get a henna tattoo! I love getting henna tattoos in the states, so I was super excited to see a henna stand at the market (the henna tattoo was also cheaper than usual, so that was a plus). When I got my henna tattoo, I was also able to hold a conversation with the women in German, and I did not speak one bit of English. She even gave me directions on how to maintain my henna in German (which I low-key pretended like I understood, but really didn’t).  I definitely did not expect to get a henna tattoo in Germany, let alone visit a Turkish market, but it was a great experience. 10/10 would recommend!

Picture 2: Heidelberg Castle

One of our first exertions was to Heidelberg, Germany. Heidelberg is probably my  favorite city in all of Germany. Every inch of the city is beautiful. I also got to experience the beauty of Heidelberg from a castle! (how many people can say that???). The views from the castle were literally breathtaking. Heidelberg was also a great city to experience because it wasn’t as crowded and chaotic as Berlin. I also distinctly remember having a burger from there and that was sehr lecker!!

Picture 3: SPIG ladies in Koblenz

Last, but certainly not least, one of the most memorable things about this trip will be my experience with these three ladies! It’s been incredible growing alongside of such amazing people. At first, I was worried about being a minority on this trip but having just us girls made us grow so much closer. It’s also been empowering to get to know ladies with so much talent and capabilities. It reaffirmed my position in the engineering field. I love how silly Delaney is, how curious Michelle is, and how creative Emily is (check her vlogs out!!).

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