First Thoughts Before Our Adventure!

Calvin offers so many cool traveling opportunities for its students, and the Engineering Summer Program in Germany seems like one too good to pass up! I decided to embark on this journey for multiple reasons, all of which trump staying at home to work at a grocery store cashier.

Taking Engineering 202 will help meย master concepts that I learned in Physics 133, and I will be more prepared for Physics 235 in the fall semester. I will only be learning 202 and a German course simultaneously, so this trip gives me an option NOT to juggle four technical classes at one time.

I’m also going on this trip because I get to experience a totally different culture with unique food, architecture, and language, and all in the company of friends ๐Ÿ™‚

I am also looking forward to trying some of the cooked sausages and drinks that are heavily emphasized in German culture.

As far as Engineering 202 goes, I hope to understand all of the material by the end of the class. I would like to be challenged, but I also want to overcome difficulties efficiently by doing homework in a group. Because mechanical engineers deal with so much statics and dynamics, I hope this course makes me even more passionate about pursuing mechanical as my concentration.

Even though some people in the SPIG gang probably speak better German than I do, I can offer other strengths. For one, I have a decent sense of direction. Thus, I can help my peers navigate between our hostel, university, and other destinations. I also think I will able to offer some DIRECTION (I know, bad pun) in our travels during the last week of school, when the students explore other places in Europe for a week.

My prayer for this trip is that everyone is safe, healthy, mentally-energized, and in the spirit for some adventure!
~~side note~~ I will be vlogging, hopefully

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